If there is one thing I'm completely sure of, it's that I am without a doubt a fighter by nature. I'm a strong person and I do not give up easily. I will fight until my knuckles are bleeding for the things that I believe in and for the people I love. I will fight with everything I've got, which I've found, for me, can sometimes be a blessing and a curse. This summer things in my life got really dark. I had already traveled down a pretty dark road, mistakes had been made, things that couldn't be taken back and been done, and all I wanted to do was rewind my life; preferably to when I was 17, as long as I could take all my new found knowledge with me! In all seriousness though, things were heavy, and I wasn't seeing much light at the end of a dark tunnel. In recent months, after A LOT of counseling and self reflection, I was unloading on a very patient friend and finally had the "ah-ha moment" I'd been waiting for. I finally realized that somewhere along my journey I stopped fighting for something that was really important; I had been fighting for things that I couldn't change, things that were entirely out of my control, and I had forgot that there was someone else worth fighting for...me.
I'm not a person that likes to dwell on or the "what I've been through" or "my side of the story" or the the "shoulda, coulda, woulda's," because everyone has those moments in their life that they aren't proud of, or that they could justify; And #realtalk: sometimes life is just ugly and messy and there is plenty that we just wish we could omit; but that isn't what makes up our entire story, although in all honesty, sometimes it's the ugly things that end up making our story beautiful! Maybe one day I will share more of "my story" here with you guys, but now isn't the time, and I'm not sure there ever will be a time; but I will tell you this...every single one of those moments, the good, the bad and the ugly, they are my moments. They have shaped me into the woman that is writing this entry. The woman who holds her head up high and knows that she can do hard things. The woman who not only fights for what she loves, but also the woman who fights for herself, and knows that she is worth fighting for because she is valuable, and special, and lovable despite the ugly scars that only she might see.
So hold your head high baby girl....because YOU are a FIGHTER!
Love this !! def. deep , real and honest . Gives woman a new perspective for sure .