JERSYLICIOUS!! Oh my gosh this show is like a train wreck! You just can't look away. I will say though these girls have some serious style. I mean it's definitely not MY personal style...but I love that they can rock their look and own it! Not to mention they can seriously throw down in a pair of 6'' stilettos!

Second thing I'm LOVING is feathers. I know some people are loving them. Some people hate them. And some people are just seriously over them. Me? Still loving them! I love them in my hair but I really LOVE my custom made feather earrings that are ABSOLUTELY stunning. I bought mine here from a lady named Anne who puts her heart and soul into these beautiful creations...I cannot get enough of these and I get SO many compliments whenever I wear them out. They are definitely a head turner if you're looking for something different.

I'm also really loving Urban Decay cosmetics at the moment. Urban Decay has some amazing makeup. I love that their eyeshadow is so pigmented and beautiful. They are very shimmery and can tend to have some fall out, but that doesn't really bother me since I usually apply my eyeshadow before my foundation to avoid things like that! I'm really loving the Naked palette. It's really popular at the moment, but if you can find it grab it!! It's absolutely gorgeous for everyday looks!
The palette comes with a sample of their primer potion, which is also AWESOME! You apply it before you apply your eyeshadow and it seriously keeps your eyeshadow on ALL DAY LONG!! Without creasing or anything. I LOVE this stuff! It's very comparable to the Two Faced shadow insurance, and costs just as much...but I'm a sucker for packaging and Urban Decay has very cute packaging for all of their products!

Nars blush is another one among the favorites. I am loving the color called Orgasm which is a peachy pink color with a little shimmer. This color is a must have for all skin tones. I really looks great on everyone. I also have the Nars lip-gloss in Orgasm as well which I really love!

And last but not least I'm really loving this hot NEON pink finger nail polish from China Glaze. I'm usually strickly and OPI kind of gal...however China Glaze has some awesome colors so I cracked and decided to try them out. I must say I'm in love with this color. I currently have it on my toes and I love it SO much!

Anyway that's all for now my lovelies. I'm sure there will be more favorite things posted in the future, but those are the things I'm REALLY loving at the moment! So until next time...
love it all lex!